Tuesday, February 9, 2016

RV Cookies to Eat

Bake at 350: So Long, Summer.: Dear Summer,   this is what you're supposed to be about, right? {darling camper found via Jen's pinterest board & from th...

 So both us are awesome cooks. The joke is, that we should of opened up a restaurant instead of the Bubble Boy Boutique. But then we wouldn't cook for ourselves.

We've been doing some researches on some neat meals to cook while we are out on the road. The other night, my wife made a drop your mouth to the table and roll your tongue out Potatoes baked in muffin tins.

We came across this blog and in honor of our hitting the road. A must do!! RV cookies... Cute little class travel trailer. So if your a full time RVer, you'll find humor in this. Right?
Click the link above for the recipe. 
Update on the RV:
It's been moved to our store for the next 2 months. So the inside painting will start in just a couple of days. First we have to do some prep work - but don't fret, for we will be documenting this so that our fans can follow along with us.

But we also have to raise fund to be able to make this happen. So if you know of any parent looking for a gift, part favors, or what ever needs to be sewn. Be sure to come visit my store!!


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Bountiful Baskets for RVing Folks too

Bountiful Baskets for RVing Folks too...

What is Bountiful Baskets?
is a not-for-profit food co-op for families that want to have more fresh produce for less money. In order to participate, you must set up a free account on the website.

While living in Spirit Lake, Idaho we'd order every two weeks like clock work. We'd place our order for a basket and then show up to volunteer. It's always been a positive experience.  

So now that we'll be hitting the road. We got to thinking about still keeping our budget down but to also buy healthy. Well?? Hello!! Stay with Bountiful Baskets when we are in an area that offers it (stinks, they do not have any in California). Load up on fresh produce and get to know the local natives too!! Make friends while on our adventure. 

$15.00 basket (actually is 2 baskets - 1 is for fruit and the other is vegetables but is sold as 1 basket), they have add's on and it changes every time. (if you were to buy from a grocery store, the average saving is $15+ dollars) - there is $4 fee (states varies) - but if you get 3 friends to buy in with you, then you can split that cost and save more. 

What I received in our last order:
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini
  • Peppers
  • Potatoes 
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Oranges
  • Lemon
  • Apples
I don’t even have to weigh it and price it out to tell you I definitely saved money. At our local Miller's Food I would have paid at least $40 for all of this.
The only warning I have is if you aren’t into trying things new, you probably won’t enjoy Bountiful Baskets as much as we do. You don’t choose what you get and it’s always random. Like this week I was thrown off by the leeks, but it’s a great opportunity to use these super hearty vegetables in recipes. But if new things freak you out or you’re really picky about what you eat, then you won’t enjoy Bountiful Baskets.
If you think about this too - one Basket is like one meal of going out, so there is the added perk. I so love Bountiful Baskets and yes it will be a challenge while on the road, but when we do come upon one, we are so diving in.

Now that you learned about how to save some money on produce - how about checking out our online shop on www.etsy.com/shop/GuyPlusSewing

Friday, February 5, 2016

Your Speaking to a Winner here.

Your speaking a to winner here. OMG, the ego?? For real?? Yep, I get to brag. I am a winner. I won, I won and I won.
So your asking "Yeah, so what did you win"? I won the use of a HUGE trophy for one year - however since we will be hitting the road, I will only have the physical bragging rights until Oct 17th.
Ok already. I won the Spirit Lake Winter Fun Fest Chili Cook Off. I seriously did.... OMG

LOL - they wanted me to kiss it but yuck germs...
 LOL, I noticed I have indeed lost some weight
So yes, I won the chili contest. I had made a white chili and it truly was awesome. I had folks coming back 4 times to taste test it.

Now this, I get to keep forever!!
On a more serious note.... This was a great day. Not as many folks came out as they had hoped but they still raised some funds which goes to the Spirit Lake Park and Recreation. And I have to say the lady who runs the program is top notch in my book. Jodi was awesome to work with and as I told the Mayor (Todd Clary) she is someone I could learn a lot from!!

254 more days!! Seriously that seems like forever. But honestly it's going to go by quickly and we have so much to do and so much money to make before that time. We just need to be able to get our truck, pay our first 2-3 months of bills and be able to get Thousand Trails and a tank full of gas. Can we all yell HITCH ITCH - lol... We will be able to take our RV on a test run the minute we get our truck to make sure all the kinks are worked out.

But let's get back to me being a WINNER - lol.... WOW!!

On a last note - please consider shopping www.etsy.com/shop/GuyPlusSewing